Our Master Plans are comprehensive plans that guide the long-term development our organization. Typically, master plans forecast five to ten years in the future, though some, like ours, may plan further. Each plan is reviewed and updated on a scheduled basis, as required.
Our addendum to Jackson County’s Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is linked below as well.
Water Distribution System Facility Plan
This Water Distribution System Facility Plan provides an update to Medford Water’s July 2007 plan. It describes the evaluation of the system, and presents recommended improvements to address current and future needs. It includes discussion of specific projects and preparation of an updated, 20-year capital improvements plan (CIP). Although it presents specific projects and proposed dates for implementing these projects, it must be recognized that the plan is intended as a guide; Medford Water will regularly review the specific projects and their schedules, and will adjust them to ensure that the system is managed efficiently to meet customer needs
Big Butte Springs and Robert A. Duff Water Treatment Plant Facility Plan
The Big Butte Springs and Duff Water Treatment Facility Plan describes current and projected needs, and lists recommended capital improvements for Medford Water’s two drinking water supply systems, Big Butte Springs and the Rogue River, treated at the Robert A. Duff Water Treatment Plant. The plan was prepared in parallel to the 2017 Water Distribution System Facility Plan and the 2016 Water Management and Conservation Plan, and plan builds on and updates the 2008 Robert A. Duff Water Treatment Plant Facility Plan.
Water Management and Conservation Plan
This document provides an overview of Medford Water’s Water Management and Conservation Plan, organization and regulatory requirements. We anticipate submitting an update of this plan within 10 years of plan approval. As required by OAR Chapter 690, Division 86, a progress report will be submitted within 5 years of plan approval.
Other Water Management and Conservation Plans:
Medford Water’s Addendum to the 2024 Jackson County Multi-Jurisdictional NHMP
A Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (NHMP) provides communities with a set of goals, action items, and resources designed to reduce risk from future natural disaster events. Engaging in mitigation activities provides jurisdictions with a number of benefits, including: reduced loss of life, property, essential services, critical facilities, and economic hardship; reduced short-term and long-term recovery and reconstruction costs; increased cooperation and communication within the community through the planning process; and increased potential for State and Federal funding for recovery and reconstruction projects. The Jackson County Emergency Management program led the development of the 2024 Jackson County Multi-Jurisdictional NHMP and the inclusion of many city and special jurisdiction addendums to the plan, including Medford Water’s.
The 2024 Jackson County Multi-Jurisdictional NHMP was adopted by the Jackson County Board of Commissioners by Order No. 26-24 on February 7, 2024, and on the same date, the Medford Water Addendum was adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners by Resolution No. 1924. The plan was approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on February 12, 2024. With the adoption of the 2024 NHMP, Medford Water maintains its eligibility to apply for Federal funding toward natural hazard mitigation projects. The full Jackson County NHMP along with all City and Special Jurisdiction Addendums can be found here.